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Classic series, 65" all-in-one conference IFP, 4k flat panel UHD camera

The V6 Classic Series is MAXHUB’s most popular Interactive Flat Panel for meetings, collaboration, and presentations for our corporate partners. The Classic Series makes it easy to host remote meetings and local discussions no matter the size of your organization, from start-up teams to multinational companies.

MAXHUB's V6 Classic Series of IFP brings together all the functions a meeting room needs, such as wireless screen sharing, white-boarding, presenting, as well as video conferencing with a high-quality camera and a wide microphone range. MAXHUB's V6 Classic Series is the perfect conferencing solution to enhance teamwork and increase organisational efficiency.
  • 65" All-in-one Conference IFP
  • IR Touch
  • 48MP Camera
  • 8 Beamforming microphone array
  • 2 x 10W speaker + 20W subwoofer
    (PC module sold separately)

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