EB8 4G 2K

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  • Regular price £179.99
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Recommended Sim: O2 Sim cards 

Make 360° protection mobile and reliable

Now, it’s easier than ever to put security in action in the places you care about most. EZVIZ’s newest camera overcomes installation limitations caused by networks or electricity. The EB8 4G is battery-powered with no strings – or cords – attached. It operates on 4G LTE networks in the outdoors where Wi-Fi may not be available. It also inherits key features from EZVIZ's popular outdoor pan & tilt predecessors to provide smart and reliable protection 24/7.

Please note: It's recommended that you use an O2 sim card for this product.


4G Connectivity¹

Device GPS Location Viewing²


2K Resolution

Panoramic View

Extra-Large Battery Capacity (10,400 mAh)³


Smart Human Motion Detection

Two-Way Talk

Color Night Vision

Active Defense with Siren and Strobe Light

Weatherproof Design

Works with EZVIZ Solar Panel (Type-C Version) for Battery Charging⁴

Supports MicroSD Card (Up to 512 GB) & EZVIZ CloudPlay Storage⁵

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