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C-Tec ActiV Multi-Sensor Combined Optical Smoke + Heat Detector - C4414

The C4414 Multi-sensor fire detector incorporates two sensors, one for smoke and one for heat. As well as operating independently, the signals from the two sensors combine to produce a more sensitive response to freely burning fires. For example, when the detector's heat sensor detects an increase in temperature, it reduces the level at which its smoke sensor will respond.

This smoke + heat analysis means that the detector not only provides excellent detection across the widest range of fire types, but also provides very effective false alarm reduction. As a result, the multi-sensor is the most effective all round detector. It is particularly useful in accommodation areas such as student premises, HMOs, sheltered housing blocks, etc., which are much more susceptible to nuisance alarms.

Other detectors from the ActiV range include; C4403A1R which is a Rate of Rise Heat Detector, C4403A2 which is a 60°C Fixed Heat Detector, C4416 which is a Optical Smoke Detector and the C4403B which is a 75°C Fixed Heat Detector

Key Features:

  • A high-quality combined optical + heat multi-sensor offering outstanding detection performance at a very competitive price
  • Manufactured by C-TEC in the UK
  • Third-party certified to EN54-5 & 7 by Intertek
  • Carries the pan-European ‘CertAlarm’ mark
  • Wide 6-33V DC operating voltage
  • Two 8mm x 2mm ultra-bright red LED indicating strips offering 360º visibility
  • Drift compensation functionality ensures detector sensitivity is automatically calibrated to suit prevailing conditions and/or increased contamination levels
  • Compatible with our ActiV C4408D diode, C4408 non-diode and C4408R relay bases (all bases include an integrated detector/base locking mechanism and ID tag)
  • Class A1 fixed heat, class B fixed heat, class A1R rate-of-rise and optical variants also available
  • Excellent discounts for quantity orders

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