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Designed for ceiling, floor or floor-to-ceiling installations, the BT7850 is designed to combine with many B-Tech ranges to provide a solution where wall mounting is not preferable or possible. The poles are available in 0.25m, 0.5m, 1m , 1.5m, 2m and 3m lengths which can also be cut to length if required and feature safety bolt holes top and bottom for a secure installation. The BT7850 is internally unobstructed for cables to pass through easily, and poles can be linked together using BT7823 and BT7824 pole joiners. Also supplied with finishing ring for a neat install.

  • 1.6mm thick steel pole can support large loads
  • Poles can be cut to length if required
  • Poles are internally unobstructed for cables to pass through easily
  • Features safety bolt holes at top and bottom for secure installation

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