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The BT5910 is a CCTV dome camera mount from B-Tech’s System V Range; a collection of components designed for the installation of CCTV and other ceiling mounted equipment. Designed for use with BT5935 ø38mm poles, the mount can support a small to medium-sized dome camera up to 5kg and when used with other parts from the System V Range, allows professionals to customise their ceiling mounted security solutions to their specific requirement.


  • Mount a small to medium sized dome camera to the end of BT5935 ø38mm pole
  • Carousel suitable for cameras with fixings from 51mm to 127.5mm apart
  • Grub screws allow micro-adjustment of the mount to ensure camera sits level
  • Safety bolt ensures pole and camera mount are securely joined
  • Integrated cable management allows cables to pass through the centre of the mount
  • Create a variety of ceiling mounted CCTV installs using System V's range of components

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