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The Ad-NeT network system allows all MxPro 5 series control
panels, remote terminals and network peripherals to be
connected together using standard fire resistant two-core cable.
It provides both the benefits of distributed intelligence and
reduced installation costs whilst catering for the smallest
two-panel network through to the largest 200-panel wide area
networked system.
The network operates as a true peer-to-peer system allowing
information from any input or output device to be passed over
the network and displayed on any MxPro 5 control panel or
remote terminal as required.
Simply adding and connecting a network card allows any MxPro
5 control panel or remote terminal to be networked. All other
nodes on the Ad-NeT system will be instantly aware of a panel
as soon as it is given a valid network node address, allowing
additional panels to be added at any time. All panels incorporate
a network analyser providing valuable diagnostic and status
information and also have the facility to prevent the transmission
of fires or faults during commissioning.
For more complex systems, the Windows-based PC-NeT Mx
configuration software allows sector based programming for
Mute, Silence, Resound and Reset control keys as well as
investigation delays, group disablement and test instructions. All
panels within the same sector will share common controls and
each panel or remote terminal can also be programmed to show
specific network information on a zonal basis. For cause and
effect, any input device can be programmed to operate any
output device on any pane

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