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Door Controller, 2A 12V DC

The ACTpro-1520 is a single door IP Controller with 2A 12V DC PSU and includes a dual-port Ethernet switch. The ACTpro-1520 controller supports 60,000 users, 2,000 User groups, door station technoogy (ACTpro-100 and ACTpro-120) and wireless locks and is ideal for a single door or for systems that need to grow to thousands of doors.

  • ACTpro 1500 Controller is not interoperable with other ACTpro controllers
  • Controls up to 32 doors
  • 15,000 users (2 credentials per user) and 250 User Groups
  • If using more than one 1500 controller ACTWin software is required
  • ACTpro 1500 controller includes a web server which allows installers and users to manage installations without requiring ACTWin software
  • ACTpro 1500 is a single door IP controller which can be expanded to 32 doors with ACTpro 100e door stations

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